Welcome to our website

Welcome to our website

Saarikoski Travels is a travel agency established in 1992 specializing in tailor-made travels. We serve our customers in the whole of Finland and arrange travel services and packages for customers arriving from abroad.

Our biggest market area is sports travels. We are the leading agency arranging tournament and training camps for youth in Finland. All of the biggest football tournaments in Europe, such as Dana Cup, Helsinki Cup and Norway Cup, have chosen us as their co-operative in Finland. In addition, we arrange high quality football, ice hockey and floorball training camps and tournament travels for teams arriving from abroad.

Leisure groups can choose from our quality tours products. These travel packages are meant for foreign groups only and they are executed using special programs, which makes them a higher quality option compared to larger incoming agencies.

Financially Saarikoski Travels is a sound company. We have gained AAA credit rating years ago and belong, according to Luottotieto Oy’s research, to the top ten most reliable travel agencies in Finland together with Finnair and Viking Line.

We welcome you as our client!

Jarkko Paloniemi
Chief Executive Officer
Saarikoski Travels